

                                  A statement from the Allen Institute:

                                  Black Lives Matter. 
                                  We, the Allen Institute, stand with our Black employees. 
                                  We want to be more than allies. We want to further our commitment as accomplices. 
                                  We are in this together.


                                  The Allen Institute is fiercely committed to solving some of the biggest mysteries of bioscience, researching the unknown of human biology, in the brain, the human cell and the immune system. At the same time, we are pushing the frontiers of bioscience to continue to explore the edges of scientific discovery. 

                                  Our scientists within each division collaborate in a team science approach, tackling big science projects. And everything learned within our walls is shared publicly across the world in what we call open science

                                  All this work is done to fulfill our founder Paul G. Allen’s vision for accelerating global progress towards improving health and lengthening life.

                                  Learn More   Subscribe



                                  Read more about the Allen Institute in the news and stories highlighting accomplishments and partnerships. 


                                  Team science in the era of remote work

                                  July 14, 2023

                                  As the COVID-19 pandemic dictates physical distance and many scientists are working from home, how can teams pivot to pull off coordinated research efforts?


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                                  July 7, 2023

                                  A new study in mice shows that contrary to longstanding dogma, blood proteins easily cross into the brain, but transport machinery breaks down with age

                                  Press Release

                                  The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, The Mark Foundation for Cancer Research and The Paul G. Allen Frontiers Group Partner to Award $6.75M in New Grants to Drive the Next Wave of Novel Cancer Therapies

                                  July 1, 2023

                                  New “Blood Cancer Discoveries Grant Program” supported by a novel three-way collaboration

                                  Press Release

                                  Seattle researchers team up to build hi-res brain map of Alzheimer's disease

                                  June 25, 2023

                                  $40.5M NIH-funded project aims to pinpoint cells at the root of the progressive brain disease and home in on new therapeutic targets

                                  苹果因操作不慎差点提前泄露iOS 14版 有开发者更新前才被 ...:2 天前 · 据推特上的开发者消息 ,苹果似乎出现操作不慎导致 iOS 14 开发者预览版的描述文件被推送给少部分的开发者。获得这伇描述文件意味着开发者可伍检测并获得 iOS 14 开发者预览版 ,不过苹果发现的比较及时迅速撤回文件。



                                  Cell Shorts | Lab-grown human skin holds promise for skin grafts

                                  June 4, 2023

                                  最佳iPhone / iPad清洁器应用程序:免费清理iOS 13/12上的 ...:垃圾文件和应用程序缓存会降低iPhone的速度,占用大量存储空间并降低iPhone性能。 为了充分利用和加快iPhone的运行速度,在此我伊建议使用最好的iPhone清洁程序,伍帮助您轻松清理iOS 12 / iOS 13设备上的垃圾文件,应用程序缓存,Web cookie,临时文件


                                  A new high-resolution, 3D map of the whole mouse brain

                                  May 7, 2023

                                  一个简易的推特上手教程(不用另下载APP:2021-4-17 · 本帖主要是总结一些推特常用的功能和操作。不包括一看就会知道的(如换头像、保存图片等)或我觉得不太需要或我也不了解的功能。安卓和苹果都适用。(安卓手机表示很羡慕ios的捷径 👑目录 🔷愉快刷推 🔹按时间线浏览 🔹内容偏好设置 🔹收藏和分组


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                                  View More Impact Stories


                                  See how researcher Kathryn McGuckin Wuertz is trying to understand the relationship between infectious diseases and neurological diseases
                                  Researchers have succeeded in growing the most lifelike human skin in the lab to date. Allen Institute for Cell Science cell lines formed the basis for the human skin organoids.

                                  Learn more about our approach to collaborative, open science.

                                  Our Revolutionary Scientific Resources

                                  Atlases that map the brain, a “periodic table” of cell types in the brain, and an observatory allowing for a large-scale approach to understanding the brain and watching neurons fire in real time, are all available on Allen Brain Map.
                                  We created the first predictive and integrated 3D cell explorer and a collection of human stem cells to help improve the collective understanding of human cells in health—and ultimately disease, all available on the Allen Cell Explorer.


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